The Portland Crew

So it’s been a little over a week now since our volunteer training crew from Portland has left.  It seems like forever and a day since they were here; so much goes on in each and every day at the Centre that we are just worked and worn out by the evening. Our...

Thika Rotary Club

We were invited to a party. We found out when we arrived that it was to benefit the Rotary Club of Thika.  And that it cost money.  Ooops.  Thankfully, I had the exact amount of the entrance fee (to cover the awesome dinner) in my wallet. Here are some pics of the...

The boy who stole my heart

As word gets out about our program, we get a lot of people inquiring on if we might be able to help them in some way. John, the village elder from Gachagi came one day and asked if he might take me to visit a family.  I agreed. He took me to visit Halaki, and upon...

Crazy week!

Well, it has been a crazy week. Getting the guest apartment  ready.  We have named it the ‘tree house”.  For the flame trees.  I think it’s a catchy name, and we’ve always named all of the houses we live in…usually by the address, but...