Blog Archives
Our Bet for a SURVIVOR contestant
Patrick is one of the groundsman for the Karibu Centre. You might remember him from pictures Ian posted from his "road construction" project. Patrick is the smaller man with a beautiful smile. He is pretty quiet, laughs easily, and is a hard worker. This week,...
Sometimes we see or experience strange things here that just make us laugh out loud. Laughter is generally welcome in this house, except when I am trying to make a really serious point and no one seems to be listening. Anyhow, this week the kids have had several...
Playgyms rock….so does soda
On one of the weekend days we try to get to Nairobi. We get money for our weeks expenses and do the shopping that can't be done here in our own town, although the shopping in Nairobi is getting smaller and smaller as we learn to navigate and shop for things at our...
An exciting evening for the kids.
Eli's on the edge of he seat for... So exciting, last week we were invited to our first child birthday party. It was on Wed evening here in Thika for a boy, Jay, in the kid's class. It took us over an hour to find the place, it's less than 10km from our...
Growing up
Today was day 3 of the kids riding the "bus" or rather "school van" to school. School starts at 8am and the bus beeps at our door (literally) at 6:45am, or 6:30am if the driver has had a good road rally day on our road and makes good time. I was not appreciative of...
Makongeni Market
OK, so Kenyans as a whole (at least the ones we've met) do not really eat raw vegetables like we do. They eat tons of greens that have have been boiled or fried, very tasty, but far from the fresh salads we're used to. Oh Sweet Tomatoes, I was sick of you two...
Imani Bazaar, Weekend Exploring, and Back to Work
Meanwhile.....the girls were at the fingernail painting booth. Wow and way out here in the country. Amazing. They were serious about the "door - to - door" service. We thought...
Thursday Afternoon
On Thursday I spent the afternoon walking around the local community here with our gate man Titus (Tito) Kibiego. He’s been living here for about 8 years and is well known in the area. I don’t know WWF but around here the kids call him Big Show (after some...
Where we were a year ago….
So, I've been asked how we ended up here in Thika. I forget that some of you haven't been on this journey with us from the start! So for Donna, and perhaps others of you who haven't been on this rollercoaster ride with us, I pulled a note that I wrote in early...
Warning lights are helpful…if you understand them.
We are enjoying the freedom our new car brings. There have been a couple cases though in this last week were we have had opportunity to need the owner's manual.....and to our owner's manual in the car. Our first opportunity came while I...