by AmeenaBlogArchive | Oct 17, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Friends
You might notice that the number of blogs posted since our return to the States the first part of August has been 3. That’s about one per month. That’s pretty pathetic. I guess it’s just really hard to compare our life here with our life in...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Sep 19, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Kenya, Travel
In our hunt to find the cheapest yet safest flight home from Kenya we happened upon a stay over in Dubai. We as in Erika Lee mentioned it, it sounded like a fabulous idea that saved thousands even with a 2 night hotel stay over, we booked it! I didn’t know much...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Apr 11, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Kenya
….are the best, especially when it’s for your kids at a friend’s house. Friends from church offered to take the kids this last Friday night and I jumped all over that. I got right on the web, and found a weekend special deal at...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Dec 9, 2009 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Kenya, Kids
Our good friends the Prins’s gifted Lucy with a Corelle (I think I’m spelling that right, but Nat, you can correct me since I don’t want to go into Lucy’s room while she’s asleep clutching it, to sneak a peak at the baby’s belly)...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Nov 29, 2009 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Kenya, Travel
So we did this all more than a week ago, but it is Africa, and we were t.v. and computer free for essentially 2 weeks. It was a nice break…..learning to just be still and smelling the dampened earth, exhaust free air, plumeria on the warm evening air. I could...