Comin’ home

From the moment Ian and I committed to coming to Kenya we knew that we’d be short-term missionary-type folk, staying until summer 2010, which is now upon us. There were SOOO many pieces that were brought together in this crazy adventure puzzle that it was...

Coping mechanisms

We try to make believe like we live in a 1st world country here. But we don’t. It’s a 3rd world country, and at times, that is quite apparent. I thought tonight as I was doing the dishes, “Wow, I’m not even bothered by that cricket coming out...

Rent our House!

Ok, so here is a shameless plug for someone to rent our cute Portland house. We had a great renter….who just needs to go back to his own house so it doesn’t get foreclosed on.  Long story, and it’s his. Soooo. Who wants to rent our house? I can feel...

WWF isn’t real???

This last week Ian had an interesting conversation with a Kenyan man who will renamed nameless in order to protect the innocent (quite literally). The conversation started out with a discussion of movies and the man asking Ian, “Why do they all hurt each other...