by AmeenaBlogArchive | Mar 11, 2011 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Sewing, Thoughts
This is what I think about (inside my head, not generally out loud like other people I know *cough, cough* LUCY). Patterns, and pretty fabrics and the endless combination possibilites. Here is one of the two patterns I’m going to work on next: I’m gonna...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Dec 10, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Friends
Today is December 8th, and I find myself in the thick of the Christmas crazy hustle and bustle. I listened to a wonderful segment on the radio about scheduling in “the ordinary” during the holiday season, just so you can have enough time at home….to...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Sep 19, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Kenya, Travel
In our hunt to find the cheapest yet safest flight home from Kenya we happened upon a stay over in Dubai. We as in Erika Lee mentioned it, it sounded like a fabulous idea that saved thousands even with a 2 night hotel stay over, we booked it! I didn’t know much...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Sep 4, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Friends, Kenya
So months before our departure from Kenya I told Ian that I had hatched a fabulous plan that would allow us to fairly distribute all of the things we had accumulated that would not be returning to the US in our alloted 8 suitcases. That’s right. No shipping...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Aug 10, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Thoughts, Travel
Habari ya siku mingi! Do you remember me posting in the past of the Kenyan saying, “You’ve been lost” when you haven’t visited someone for a long time? Well, I know that I haven’t visited my blog much in the last few weeks, but rest...