Blog Archives

AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Uncategorized

Crazy week!

Well, it has been a crazy week. Getting the guest apartment  ready.  We have named it the 'tree house".  For the flame trees.  I think it's a catchy name, and we've always named all of the houses we live in...usually by the address, but scenery works too.  Megan...

AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Kids

Kid Honesty

Lucy will be 3 in a about 2 weeks. She's at the stage where everything she thinks comes out of her mouth (I guess some people never get out of that stage). Today her winner comments both had to do with Esther our househelp. The first, announced to the whole family...

AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Kenya

Safety First!

Have you ever been pulled over for not wearing your seat belt? I have. There's a long back story...but the short story involves me driving Ian's 94 White Ford Escort to Idaho with the automatic door belt stuck in the forward position. Since I couldn't drive 8 hours...

AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Kenya, Thoughts


We still enjoy the many packages we receive in the mail. Most of them are from family (thanks to both moms) and friends (Anna Goodworth again!). We were surprised this last week however with a package from Jannie Bahrs a woman I have never met, or spoken to!  She...