One stop shopping

This is a short post, but I had to share my horror or perhaps laughter??? My house help Esther asked if we could stop on the way to her house at the dentist so she could get some medicine for her son who just had a tooth extracted. I waited in the car while she ran...

We’ve Got Mail!

One of my small pleasures in life has always been checking the mail. I don’t know what it is. It doesn’t really matter what the mail is, even bills are a thrill to receive. Ian has learned this about me and happily leaves the mail for me to collect every...

WWF isn’t real???

This last week Ian had an interesting conversation with a Kenyan man who will renamed nameless in order to protect the innocent (quite literally). The conversation started out with a discussion of movies and the man asking Ian, “Why do they all hurt each other...

Watch out Hollywood

  This week a volunteer arrrived from Holland and she was sent with a plastic bag of random goodies to give out to children.  She brought the bag to us for use by the children at the Centre. Eli and Lucy decided to preview the contents and do a little modeling for...