Ticket please

We’ve lived here in Kenya now for almost 14 months. I’ve been to the different markets here in Thika plenty.  So much so that the locals all know me and I’m old news.  Gone are the days when everyone would turn and stare, call Mazungu, or try to...

An afternoon….

I’m guessing that at times it might be hard to imagine what life over here is like. At least that’s my guess since I really had very little idea of what to expect before we come over.  I thought I was pretty prepared with my expectations as I’d taken...

The bag

I’ve been hunting on etsy for the perfect diaper bag. I had the same bag for both Eli and Lucy and sold it at  a resale event in Portland before coming to Africa.  I think my line of reasoning went somewhere along the lines of “if I have another baby, it...

The Best Laid Plans

can easily be turned upside down in Kenya. Take Day 4 of the Tour.  This was supposed to be our agenda:  Giraffe Park & Amani Ya Juu. Our agenda changed into:  Airport, Salvation Army Headquarters to take care of business & Amani Ya Juu. Erika and Rhett got a...