Me time

So, I like to knit.  It’s me time.  It’s time when I can generally veg out, relax, and physically can’t be doing something for one of the kids or another adult because my hands are full and my brain has been turned off, or at least it’s in full...

Baby bump

Some of you at home have been asking me to send you pictures of the bump known as little Miss May. So, at 30 weeks, this is what she’s looking like.  Perspective and clothing can make a big difference in the “bump” looking small or huge in my...


An interesting observation made in the 10 months our family has now lived in Kenya is that Kenyans generally stick to a diet consisting of a few favorite foods. One of these foods is Ugali.  Pronounced oo-ga-ly. Tito, the Centre security guard, says he can’t...