by AmeenaBlogArchive | Aug 28, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Food, Friends, Kenya, Travel
A farewell at the Centre usually means a tea party planned by the staff. In the past this involved light food: boiled eggs, biscuits, queen cakes and chai. Ian and I decided about a month before leaving that we would like to throw the staff and residents a nice...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Apr 5, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Kenya, Thoughts
I’m guessing that at times it might be hard to imagine what life over here is like. At least that’s my guess since I really had very little idea of what to expect before we come over. I thought I was pretty prepared with my expectations as I’d taken...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Feb 21, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Food, Kenya
An interesting observation made in the 10 months our family has now lived in Kenya is that Kenyans generally stick to a diet consisting of a few favorite foods. One of these foods is Ugali. Pronounced oo-ga-ly. Tito, the Centre security guard, says he can’t...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Feb 10, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Thoughts
It was one sad fact of being pregnant with gestational diabetes….not being able to have eggnog….but one good fact about being in Kenya….because it wasn’t available!! Until now. My brother must have heard my wish for an eggnog product because...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Jan 27, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Friends
Good byes aren’t fun, especially when very good friends come for a visit and are getting ready to leave. We had a fabulous time with Rhett & Erika Lee, close friends of ours from Portland, Oregon. Erika and Rhett both grew up in Hawaii, so much of what...