Baby pics!

Yesterday, since I was already in Nairobi for another errand, I decided to go ahead with my drop-in ultrasound that my OB/GYN had written orders for a few weeks ago. Looks like baby girl May is growing along just fine, with no worries to report.  She is right on track...

Awesome volunteer award!

We had a retired school teacher come to visit Karibu Centre from Portland, Oregon.  This was Connie’s 5th trip to Kenya.  She’s becoming quite the pro….pretty able to handle the smells, and sights, and people.  But she still needs that Starbucks...

Baby News

Ever since being about 9 weeks pregnant, and having a second ultrasound that showed that there was actually a baby in there, and that we were not in the middle of our 3rd miscarriage in a row, I have waited for this day. I briefly considered being amazing like some of...