Watch out Hollywood

  This week a volunteer arrrived from Holland and she was sent with a plastic bag of random goodies to give out to children.  She brought the bag to us for use by the children at the Centre. Eli and Lucy decided to preview the contents and do a little modeling for...

Skinny Pigs

We’re pretty into pets in our family.  I hate to admit it, but we’ve had a lot over the years.  I also realize that we aren’t the best “long-term” pet keepers.  Some might even say we’re fickle in our pet tastes.  We’ve had:...

Gangsta Guns

Ian and I were invited to a party celebrating the birthday of a NGO (Non-governmental Organization) Director this last weekend.  Our first evening out…without the kids.   We were both excited for the break.  We love our kids and all, but sometimes you need adult...

Sniff, sniff

In talking with my twin brother Andy and his wife Kori last night , Ian and I realized that we have not done a post of the “smells” of Kenya. There are some things here that after a week or two, you just start to take it for granted and you forget how...

Nyama Choma

I really wish I had some pictures for this post but I don’t, so I’ll have to do my best description with words alone. Yesterday I was out running errands for the center:  buying sugar, salt, 50kg of beans, and 50gk of Maize to make Githeri (a simple...