Safety First!

Have you ever been pulled over for not wearing your seat belt? I have. There’s a long back story…but the short story involves me driving Ian’s 94 White Ford Escort to Idaho with the automatic door belt stuck in the forward position. Since I...

Our man in blue

We got to chat with a wonderful civil servant Saturday (on Ian’s birthday). On the drive home from Nairobi we were stopped by the police at a police check-point.  Generally only buses, mutatus and trucks are stopped so they can pay a bribe. Our man in blue did...

Coping mechanisms

We try to make believe like we live in a 1st world country here. But we don’t. It’s a 3rd world country, and at times, that is quite apparent. I thought tonight as I was doing the dishes, “Wow, I’m not even bothered by that cricket coming out...

Shopping for friends

Ok, now I know some of you will relate to this. You know the feeling.  It happened to me in junior high, again in college, then when I was new to Portland and went to my first care group meeting, and now here in Africa.   Standing in a sea of people and wondering: ...