Soup in summer is strange

I love soup.  That is one of my favorite things about fall in the northwest…cooking warm or spicy foods to warm you up after being out in the wind and rain of Portland. It’s never really like that here in Kenya.  It pretty much feels like summer...

Our mini vaca

  Our night away into Nairobi for our anniversary was fabulous. As I said before, we began our evening with dinner at Cafe des Arts.   They have a wonderful patio dining area that is covered by a large tent cover.  It is a lovely place to relax and enjoy good food:  ...

Sunday lunch

We joined a small group from church. For you non-churchies…that is just a way of saying being assigned a group of friends that you meet with to socialize, and support, and study with. We’re trying to expand our social circle a little…’s a...

Happy Birthday Ian!

Today (8/22) we celebrate Ian’s birthday! He’s a big whopping 35 years old.  He is an amazing husband, father, friend and leader!  I am so proud of everything he has directed here in Africa.  He really knows how to get things done! Here’s what he...

Gangsta Guns

Ian and I were invited to a party celebrating the birthday of a NGO (Non-governmental Organization) Director this last weekend.  Our first evening out…without the kids.   We were both excited for the break.  We love our kids and all, but sometimes you need adult...