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AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Uncategorized

Take a Look

Here's what we've been working for in Kenya.  Watching this video makes me realize how grateful I am to have played a part in all of this.  In spite of all the seemingly negative or difficult parts of the last two years of our life, I've never had single a moment...

AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Kenya, Travel


In our hunt to find the cheapest yet safest flight home from Kenya we happened upon a stay over in Dubai. We as in Erika Lee mentioned it, it sounded like  a fabulous idea that saved thousands even with a 2 night hotel stay over, we booked it! I didn't know much...

AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Friends, Kenya


Goodbyes are a big deal in Kenya. Through out the 15 months that we were in Kenya our family was able to learn about the importance of a proper farewell to Kenyans. Of course we're talking about a going away aka tea party. Of course there will be presents. Of...