by AmeenaBlogArchive | Feb 26, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Uncategorized
Today Ian and I had a conversation that I am almost positive we had before Eli was born. It has to do with the baby’s sleeping arrangements. Before Eli was born, I had THE most difficult time justifying why we needed a cradle (borrowed) for him. Ian was...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Feb 23, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Thoughts
Eli, who is 4 years old (5 in May) is a very perceptive boy. He takes note of a lot that goes on around him, and of what is said. He is apparently very aware of my gestational diabetes, because while eating some candy yesterday, he informed me, “This is very...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Feb 22, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Kenya, Thoughts
I’m reading many posts on facebook about people enjoying the sunny weather in Portland…and it got me to thinking a bit about the weather here. I always have wanted to live in a warm climated area, so I could wear summer clothes year round and have a...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Feb 21, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Food, Kenya
An interesting observation made in the 10 months our family has now lived in Kenya is that Kenyans generally stick to a diet consisting of a few favorite foods. One of these foods is Ugali. Pronounced oo-ga-ly. Tito, the Centre security guard, says he can’t...
by AmeenaBlogArchive | Feb 19, 2010 | AmeenaProjectBlogArchive, Family, Kenya, Thoughts
Yesterday, since I was already in Nairobi for another errand, I decided to go ahead with my drop-in ultrasound that my OB/GYN had written orders for a few weeks ago. Looks like baby girl May is growing along just fine, with no worries to report. She is right on track...