On our new BBQ that is. Mmm. We purchased our first steaks while living here in Africa, and decided that they simply had to be grilled out (that’s the Stoughton term for Barbequing).
Only problem is: we don’t have a BBQ.
Ian’s never been one to let that slow him down. We’ve taken stock of the ones available at the supermarket, and really, just couldn’t handle paying what they were asking…just for a little round metal one that you put charcoal in.
So when we got home, Ian set to building himself a BBQ. We have plenty of rock here, so with that and a little baling wire, he had one built in no time:

The boys grilling out on Father's Day
We can’t wait to have our dinner: steaks, grilled zucchini and carrots and rice! Yum. This beats Nyoma Choma any day.