Baby takes a trip

Our good friends the Prins’s gifted Lucy with a Corelle (I think I’m spelling that right, but Nat, you can correct me since I don’t want to go into Lucy’s room while she’s asleep clutching it, to sneak a peak at the baby’s belly)...

Big weekend…

Big weekend. Megan comes back to Kenya from her adventure in the US Ian’s parents arrive for a visit from Portland: And, this wonderful loaf in the oven that we are expecting turns 15 weeks new!  It is a relief to be over so much of the tiredness and nausea that...

Wrong Target

So, it looks like the stork that was stalking me had the wrong target. The “real” stork made a real visit to Karibu Centre this last week though. We welcomed our the first baby to one of our vulnerable young pregnant women this week, and what a week it...