“Make it pretty”

img_94013“Make it pretty” is the comment I have heard from Lucy for quite a while now when it is time to fix her hair.  Lately, Eli has become interested in this task, and the activity of making Lucy’s hair pretty captures the attention of both children for up to 30 minutes.  Who knew he would take to hair styling with such interest?






img_94091It has been quite some time since I have found the time to engage in an on-going fashion in hobbies, but in the past few weeks I have enjoyed getting into a few sewing projects.  This pinafore was my latest project during naptime.  It is reversible, so we get twice the wear out of it before it goes through the wash!





Today I am also thankful for good friends. We had a wonderful women’s group at our house where we learned more about our friend Jamie and today I was able to see my friends Eve (she’ll be having her 3rd child here in 2 weeks), Lindsey (the proud mom of 2 adorable kids), and Erika (the AWESOME friend who took Eli today for a play date).  It was nice to have some alone time with Lucy, she is a different img_94054child when she is by herself.  More mellow and compliant.  No older brother to egg her on!

The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

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