I don’t think I’ve ever really felt it, until now.
This arrived at our house this week as a total surprise:

Our new "old" washer
It belonged to another ex-pat who went back to the States in June and I had almost given up on the fact that it might arrive.
This is what it looks like inside, not your typical American clothes washer:

Washing tub on the left, spinning tub on the right
Whoops, the picture didn’t rotate, but you get the idea.
Now, laundry can take the usual 30 minutes per load to wash (including manual draining and refilling for rinses) and spin instead of the usual 7 hours or so it takes dear sweet Esther twice per week. She is thrilled with the washer (as are we all) and now there is time for her to help me with other things around the house, like the constant job of keeping all of this Kenyan red dirt off of everything!