Today I have my consultation appointment with Will Vision and Laser Centers to have Lasik surgery done:
I’ve needed vision correction since junior high school or perhaps it was high school. For the longest time I just didn’t wear glasses because I didn’t like how they looked, but my vision has gotten bad enough that I really do need them. I tried contacts for awhile. But wasn’t good about changing my lenses, so I got an eye infection that looked like this:
My vision is like 20/300 and 20/40. So there’s a pretty big discrepancy between my two eyes that don’t work together without glasses. I have no depth perception without correction and my overall vision is quite blurry, so the thought of loosing my glasses in Africa, or being without for a while isn’t appealing.
Thus….”Will Vision and Laser Centers, see the difference!” Can you hear the jingle in your head? Or is it “feel the difference”? I can’t remember. I’ll know in a few hours.