Yes, some children's play equiptment.
So today we visited the Imani School which is here in our community and it was VERY encouraging. We’re ready to send both kids for half days ASAP. The School was beautiful by Kenyan standards and very welcoming. Both kids could attend for 1/2 days and we even think they might be able to pick them up here at the compound gate. They have so many wonderful activities for the kids who so need some kid oriented stuff. They have a real playground, kiddie pool, large pool, horse back riding, so many great activities. Did I already say that. Eli jumped right in and spent 30 minutes with an older class and really liked it. Now it’s not exactly a Mzungu school, looks more like an indian, asian, and local affluent kid school. Eli and Lucy will be the only Americans but I doubt that will be a probem for our chatty kids. We were very encourage by the visit, so hoping it can work out for us.

A view of some classrooms.

Anne (with her big yellowbag) chatting with the Pre-Prep teacher.
Letting him climb something actually made for climbing.

What's that....a kiddie pool. All children take swimming lessons at Imani School!