Hanging skin

We’ve had a busy Holiday season.  Visits with family from Idaho, Virginia, Germany and soon Montana. 


Visits from the “Arctic Blast”


And visits to see the kids’ great-grandma in her new home just down the street. 


She didn’t fair so well after leaving the hospital and moving back to her independent living (the independent part was giving her trouble).


Anyhow, we visited here as a family last night.  She was lying in her bed in her approximately 200 sq. feet of living space.  Nicely done up 200 sq. feet of living space though.


Eli wanted to get up on the bed with great-grandma.  I obliged.


Important note at this point is that great-grandma will be 94 years old in February.  She looks like most people that age.


Eli proceeded to play with the loose skin hanging off great-grandmas arm.  What a sight.  I think he actually asked her something like, “What’s this?” 


She was a good sport.  At least she didn’t run out of bed.


She also told me earlier in the day in a panic that she was dying.  I said, “Yes, but probably not today.” 


And then I checked to see if her toes were gray yet.  Learned somewhere that the toes turn a different color right close to the end.  G-gma got a kick out of that one.  Really.  No joke, she’s still got some humor in there.


Anyhow, we’re happy to have her so close so that we can visit her often, but said that it came about this way.

The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

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