Ashley the soon to be 6 year old is renowned for wearing summer attire the entire year long. Strappy things, tops and shoes included.
Today Lucy (our 2 year old) says, “I be Ash-ee today. Wear flip-flops” Hilarious. Need I note that it snowed here yesterday and we are hovering in the 30’s?

Ash-ee in the middle in strappy stuff
Also, I went shopping with the kids before lunch at Winco. You never know what you might see at Winco…case in point, the girl with gum post from early December.
Today, as I’m loading the car with the groceries (proud that I have both kids buckled in and they’re not running like banshees)…I hear the Ford Explorer next to me beep and I think, huh, they must be unlocking it. Then, the engine starts.
I look over, there isn’t a person in that car and it just turned on, and revved it’s engine! Do we have Kit here or what?
Then a lady shows up and explains how she started it by remote. Well, I knew that those types of gadgets were out there, but had never really seen one.
The funny part of this story are all of the visions that went through my mind. Eli and Lucy getting the remote and randomly starting our car from inside the house, one starting the car from the driveway while the other geared it up and drove over God knows what…you get the picture. They would have the time of their lives with that one.
I think I might need a break. Oh wait, I just got back from a women’s retreat at the beach all weekend. Maybe I’ll settle for a nap.