Or perhaps better titled, “Things That are Not Safe for Children: Part 3”
Ian picked up some diapers for Lucy the other evening at the store as she has still is holding out from being a “big girl”. She is something. This girl bargains. She tells me, “When all the diapers are gone, then I’ll wear panties!” But then I remind her that panties means that she is going in the toilet and then she attempts to strike a new deal. She has won so far as she seems to have no qualms letting loose wherever she is…including at the dinner table.
This is what he picked up for me:

free gift with purchase
Not any knife. It’s a combination tool. Serrated blade, bottle opener, peeler, and knife. Quite random taped onto a pack of diapers. We took it over and added it to the Karibu kitchen.
While we’re on the “Things that are not safe for Children” them, here’s another:
Yeh, it’s a little hard to tell, but that’s a swing that kids in the Kiandutu slum here in Thika have made out of a live power line. They’re just getting power for the first time there, so they don’t quite know what to make of it, or rather, what they shouldn’t make of it.