Ok, this blog is all messed up because the pictures won’t post like I want them to….but it’s just gonna have to do!
We woke up on Christmas to a very traditional time. Stockings filled by Santa, a yummy breakfast made by dad, and presents under the tree.
Now, the stockings might have been stickered up plastic bags, and the tree may have been very plastic and a bit pathetic, but I don’t think the kids noticed at all!

We had Lucy's bag be the bag we all affectionately call the "poo bag" on account of it looking like all of the ones dog owners carry around in the States. Kenyans love them and use them to carry EVERYTHING! The adults got a kick out of her stocking.

Underneath our tree was pretty full thanks to family and our Portland care group!
The kids thoroughly enjoyed all of their treats, as did Ian, Megan and I. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of thoughtful thank you’s coming out of the 3 year old and 4 year old mouths! Seriously, I don’t think we had one typically impatient 4 year-old comment all day….well, not until the lego building began, but that’s a bit understandable. Dad worked on Eli’s transformer for a while, and then mom took over, resorting finally around 8pm to a tutorial on youtube. Seriously, what 4 year old can transform Optimus Prime on their own? I dare you to find me one! It definitely wasn’t our 4 year old pirate. Lucy thoroughly enjoyed her dolls, color wonder, books, paper dolls & miniature figures, art and her stocking stuffers. She is turning into quite the little organizer, insisting that everything be put away just so. Her Christmas clothes remain folded still, in the living room, as she would not hear of me putting them away in her closet. Ian enjoyed his gifts of clothes and new running shoes, and enjoyed getting to shop for himself in Nairobi. I loved my purses, soaps, clothes, books, coffee, and coffee mug. I am sure that I am leaving things out, but we had a wonderful time!
At around 11 am, we got ready for Christmas, the unusual. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the day!