Chocolate and dogs

Today was a busy day.  I was awakened to the sound of packing tape being pulled out of the tape holder and crumpled.  But that is not the story.  This is what I saw when I walked into the kitchen:

advent found in trash

advent found in trash

Yes, this is Eli’s advent calender  in the trash can.  You can see it wouldn’t fit.  Today is only the 7th, he SHOULD have 18 days left to open.  Nope.















Here’s the best part.  This is where the advent calender should have been:

Lucy's calender is still up high

Lucy's calender is still up high

The cost for 1) getting the calender down without permission and 2) eating it all……Having to watch Lucy do her calender for the next 18 days, by herself.  Priceless.
Today was also a big day because we took our beloved 2 Boston Terrier dogs to their new home today.  A single gal from Ian’s work was thrilled to take them in and love on them for us.  I would have waited until the last possible week, but Ian thinks that it is better to do the transition early so we don’t have so many losses at once.  So, we took some family photos, Eli and Lucy gave hugs, and we took them for one last walk in the new neighborhood.  Eli and I both cried in the car when we left their new neighborhood without them in the car (not that they didn’t try to sneak back in…totallyheart wrenching!).  Lucy said she “miss them” and Ian had sad eyes too.
Bye Toby and Sherman….we will miss you!  We hope to have a play date with you soon to see how you are doing without us.

The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

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