Blog Archives
Carts and other ways of getting things around.
So today we took a little trip into Nairobo to explore some more. We found some new spots and drove some new roads, it feels goo to be getting somewhat independent in the big city. We drove by Kibera, the largest slum in Africa: 1 + million people living in one...
Make me pretty: Take 2
The kids have always been enthralled with my makeup bag. At home in Portland, I would pacify their interest and desire to be made-up by occasionally putting on a little nude eye shadow on each of the kids. They would then run to the mirror or each other an exclaim,...
Driving School
Today I had the wonderful joy of doing a little retail therapy. I so look forward to the weekend because I know it means we'll make the drive into Nairobi and explore a little. Today I got to do it with a girlfriend, Armida, who knows her way around (that's always...
We have INTERNET!!!!
So, skype now works fairly well, we can actually look on-line without it taking forever, and hopefully these posts will have just gotten a whole lot easier. Here's the trial run with the new Net@Home setup. Today was a great day, I was busy from 5:30am to 8:00pm...
Lucy Boo-cy
That is Eli's name for Lucy when he is teasing her. It drives her crazy. He knows it does, so of course she gets called that even more. Until I step in to referee. Then he just tries to whisper it. Anyhow, Lucy is quite the character. Surprising people here with...
Nyama Choma
I really wish I had some pictures for this post but I don't, so I'll have to do my best description with words alone. Yesterday I was out running errands for the center: buying sugar, salt, 50kg of beans, and 50gk of Maize to make Githeri (a simple complete meal...
Ghostly Pale?
I know my mother-in-law reads this. Perhaps she will remember a year and a half ago when she and my father in law came over to our house in Portland to watch the kids while Ian and I attended a Women of Vision auction. I was excited. It was my first "auction" as an...
The weekend update
On Friday, after some absence from the Mother of the Year contest, I earned my way to a submission. Eli and Lucy used to share a room at our home in Portland. We, or I, made the change to separate rooms for them out of desparation....too many naptimes were becoming...
From what I can see, the Matatu is by far and away the most widely used mode of motorized transportation here in Kenya. For Kenyan's that is. They are small vans a little bigger that the standard suburban minivan and a lot smaller that a full sized passenger...
Fourteen Falls
Well, I started this post 5 days ago, and then the internet went out. So sorry, the blog has been blah. So, yes Eve Stoughton, it was temporarily the Blag. Hopefully not for long. We like to just get in the car and drive. We have attempted twice now to reach Ol...