Blog Archives
Happy Birthday Ian!
Today (8/22) we celebrate Ian's birthday! He's a big whopping 35 years old. He is an amazing husband, father, friend and leader! I am so proud of everything he has directed here in Africa. He really knows how to get things done! Here's what he looked like when...
Until now, diapers seemed normal
You know how in the states you just assume that any kid who is NOT potty trained is pretty much in diapers or some type of equivalent? Silly me for assuming that such would be the case here! I guess in the program planning here we (or at least I) didn't consider...
History lesson
I wasn't ever very good with history. My brother was. He was a history major in college. Blech is what I thought about that. That seemed like torture to me, but then again, I picked chemistry as my major. Who woulda thought with where I am today? Anyhow, I'm...
Coping mechanisms
We try to make believe like we live in a 1st world country here. But we don't. It's a 3rd world country, and at times, that is quite apparent. I thought tonight as I was doing the dishes, "Wow, I'm not even bothered by that cricket coming out of the cupboard" and...
You can buy me with mail
I truly can't believe the way you all spoil us with mail. I love it. It is really one of my favorite things. The kids too. So, thank you's go out to these recent package senders: Bonita May (mother-in-law with a flair for getting as much as she can into a flat...
Rent our House!
Ok, so here is a shameless plug for someone to rent our cute Portland house. We had a great renter....who just needs to go back to his own house so it doesn't get foreclosed on. Long story, and it's his. Soooo. Who wants to rent our house? I can feel all of you...
Shopping for friends
Ok, now I know some of you will relate to this. You know the feeling. It happened to me in junior high, again in college, then when I was new to Portland and went to my first care group meeting, and now here in Africa. Standing in a sea of people and wondering: ...
Nothing like another Dr. visit…
Phew. This should be it for a few weeks. Who knew that I'd visit the hospital here 3 times in 2 weeks? I had a follow-up ultrasound for the miscarriage today and everything is healing fun (ah, Erika, you are right, that should say "fine")! I'll see the doctor in...
Not for the Vegan at heart
I guess living in Africa has really emphasized how hygienic and sterile things are in the states. Especially when it comes to our food. I love those wonderful 2 and 5 pound bags of boneless, skinless, (smell-less), flash frozen chicken. They are of...
4 year old Paparazzi
Ever since Joseph (the neighbor boy who adopted our family) took the camera and snapped a few pictures in the house, Eli and Lucy have been angling for chances to snatch it themselves. I can be a little ADD so sometimes it takes the bright flash of the camera...