Eli and Lucy haven’t always gotten along. At times, like most siblings they can look like they are competing in WWF or smackdown.
Thankfully, during our last week of being fairly snowbound they have entered a new phase in their relationship!
This morning when Lucy came out of her room, Eli ran up and screamed, “Sister” and then proceeded to grab her and give her a huge bearhug. She has now replaced Dad, Mom, Ashley, Eve, Grant, Erika, Caity, Jackson, Lukas, Erin and Chris and cousin Isaac as his “Best friend in the whole world”. As you can see, it’s a title that is quite dependant on mood and proximity!
We have enjoyed the beauty of the snow. I got out for a cross-country ski down our street when they went for bed last night. I felt like I did before kids!
Anyhow, we are enjoying our family time and are excited for our airplane trip to Idaho tomorrow! Pray for lots of deicer at the airport.

Lucy in our backyard

Eli "working"