A week (or more) in review

It’s been a while since an update &  I know some of you were going to start leaving comments that this blog was on it’s way to blahg.  

Baby Ameena is now 2 weeks and 2 days new.  She  is a sweet baby who generally only fusses when she is hungry (quite often) and for a good 3 hours from about 9-12pm every night (colick?  But with a 3rd kid, we’re pretty easy-going about it!).   Otherwise she smiles  and is very alert–checking out all of the madness around her. 

Plenty of madness to go around here at the Centre!   In the few days after we brought Ameena home, the volunteer team from Oregon finished up with some large construction projects, we continued to register increasing numbers of kids at the Centre for our new term, Ian and Salvation Army staff work hard to plan the long awaited Grand Opening of Karibu Centre, our friends Joyce and baby A were in a matatu accident (but are thankfully ok) and we opened the Abadoned Infant Care portion of the Centre–now complete with 3 baby boys who were all abandoned at the local district hospital.  It’s been a busy  week. 

With all of that said, here are a few pics: 

A couple of days old


We're paci lovers in this house


Good thing some of you sent me those tiny newborn clothes! They fit this little peanut just right!


All Ameena wants is a little food....which Lucy is oblivious to


Everyone's gotta help


Baby's 1st movie night. A dad special!


Ok, so she can't see the t.v. for movie night, but I think she's having a nice time hanging out with dad

The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

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