You got your shop on!

Wow!  We are overwhelmed and so thankful for your response to the Kenyan Teachers’ Wish List!

We still have a few remaining items that haven’t been purchased:

2 packs large plastic stringing beads (about $7 at Michae~taken by Rosie

10 bottles washable paint~taken by Rosie

6 Books of various themes (family, colors, shapes, time etc)

10 Books on various values (explaining emotions, sharing, stewardship, conservation etc)

2 Wooden Puzzles – Taken (and then some)  by the Goldman’s

Additionally, if someone wants to shop around on amazon etc., we would LOVE to take this to surprise the teachers and children:

Search for this!

Here is a picture of the children playing these last few weeks:

Blocks=fun and brain development in any culture!


We will have more exciting updates on the program and the community of Kiang’ombe as Megan Steele, one of our founders, returns from her visit there!



The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

Ameena Project News & Updates