I’ve been hearing about the Kiambethu Farm http://www.kiambethufarm.co.ke/ for quite some time. I have never really known what to expect, but I knew the minute that our friends Rhett and Erika confirmed that they were coming to Kenya, that we would have to go.
A kid free, adult outing. Exciting.
Kiambethu Farm is located in Limuru, Kenya. http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS324US324&q=limuru+kenya A gorgeous place to be.
After grabbing a cup of tea and a few tea biscuits, we all grabbed a seat and prepared for our tea lesson from Fiona, 3rd generation owner of the farm.
After our tea lesson, we went for a walk through a section of a 6 acre native Kenyan forest.
Our guide, Kiamani, is a 3rd generation Kenyan to have lived and worked at Kiambethu Farm. He pointed out many native trees important to the culture of the Kikuyu tribe, of which he is from.