Tea Time

I’ve been hearing about the Kiambethu Farm http://www.kiambethufarm.co.ke/ for quite some time.   I have never really known what to expect, but I knew the minute that our friends Rhett and Erika confirmed that they were coming to Kenya, that we would have to go.

A kid free, adult outing.  Exciting.

Kiambethu Farm is located in Limuru, Kenya.  http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS324US324&q=limuru+kenya  A gorgeous place to be.

tea fields on our way into Kiambethu Farm

Upon arrival to the farm we walked the English Gardens on the property

After walking the gardens, we were invited inside for a cup of Kenyan tea

Kenyans, with the British influence, take tea with milk. It's pretty tasty actually.

After grabbing a cup of tea and a few tea biscuits, we all grabbed a seat and prepared for our tea lesson from Fiona, 3rd generation owner of the farm.

Fiona describing the different varieties of tea that can come from one stem

We each had our own tea sprig to look at during Fiona's talk

After our tea lesson, we went for a walk through a section of a 6 acre native Kenyan forest. 

Our guide, Kiamani, is a 3rd generation Kenyan to have lived and worked at Kiambethu Farm.  He pointed out many native trees important to the culture of the Kikuyu tribe, of which he is from.

Kiamani at the start of our forest walk

walking through the forest, of course, the stragglers in the back goofing offTea has been grown in this area since 1922 when the forest was cleared by the British Farming companies. The last leopard was seen there by Kiamani in 1968.


The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

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