So many things, so little time

We’re getting into prep mode for leaving the country in hopefully a little over a months time.  There are so many things to wrap up and take care of.  Here is a sampling from our to do list:

1)  Find property manager & renter for house

2)  Pack up entire house & store

3) Get final immunizations.  We have already gotten:  Yellow fever, Typhoid, Tetanus, Polio, Meningococcal, Hep A, Hep B, Varicella, and will soon start taking malaria medication.  Phew!  Poor Eli & Lucy.  We have to do regular shots plus some of these extras, so it hasn’t been fun, but I’ve been sure to spread them out a bit.

4) Change bank accounts to a bank that has international affiliates.

5)  Get international health insurance, plus evacuation insurance.  You want to be able to be flown to another country if they can’t handle your medical emergency in country….and also get out quick in case of chaos.

6) Get international drivers license.  AAA offers this service, pretty neat huh?

Anyhow, that is just a sampling of the things I will be working on during my spring “break”.  It’s a good thing that I’m a good list maker and Ian is a good list doer.

Also, we have friends that we have known for gosh, close to 10 years now, that take pictures of our kids and family.  They’re going to squeeze in a family session for us tomorrow.  Here is one of my favorite pictures from over the years:

Eli, 3 years

Eli, 3 years

This is how he changed in 2 1/2 years (we were absolutely in love with his rolls and chubbiness):


Eli 6 months

Eli 6 months

 I simply can’t believe how fast it goes.  He is just shy of turning 4 years old, and is becoming such a little boy. 

I’ll post new pictures from our wonderful Kuns shoot when they are available, and I’ll keep you all posted on our progress!

The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

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