It’s aLIVE!

With much anticipation and after hundreds of volunteer hours, I am so pleased and honored to announce that the website for Ameena Project is up and running!

We encourage you to tour this site!  You’ll find a lot more detail about Ameena Project including background information, our mission and some of the core values driving the way we work.  You’ll also be able to learn more about many of the people involved in facilitating Ameena Project, and the volunteers who have helped it get past the dreaming stages!

You’ll also see that there is a nice tab linking to the Mayfamily blog (what you are now reading!) located within the webpage.  While you can still get our blog updates the old fashioned way through, we wanted to make it easy to obtain information all in one location too–so now you can access it via the webpage as well!   We will continue to share in depth information about our projects on the blog, and you’ll be able to get regular, short snippets of information via our Facebook page.

If you have comments, or wish to be on a regular email/snail mail list, leave your contact information at the bottom of the webpage (not here on the blog) under the contact area, and we’ll get back to you.






The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

Ameena Project News & Updates