Around the House


Lucy in the beautiful evening sun.  No shoes (sorry grandma) but at least she has her purse.  

Beautiful eveningKitchen Window ChickenMany things are very different.  This is our kitchen window.





Crazy bath foam


Some things are still the same.  A good bath time is still as fun as ever. 




Hungry Kitty



This poor little guy keeps soming around and the other night we decided to give him a small chicken carcas we’d boiled down to make soup stock.   The following day he was contented and happ, and Eli’s new friend (outdoor friend that is). 



Eli's new cat







captain willington


Generous Captian Wellington delivered our hand made table and cheirs this last evening.  He’s on the left and the boys made our table. Captain Wellington runs Variety Village which is a Salvation Army Vocational program for children local children and disabled children from all over Kenya.

I’ll stop for now and let Anne describe yesterday’s adventures in more detail.  It was a tiring day in Nairobi.  I think we were in bed by 8:30 and both of us tried to read a little but only lasted a few minutes.  Ian

The Ameena Project

Bringing opportunities and advantages to Kenyan children… and it starts with equal access to education and nourishment.

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